Well-being | Trauma and PTSD | Self-determination

… omvat het hele spectrum van wel-zijn en aspecten die welzijn in het gedrang brengen

Hieronder vind je een selectie van een aantal wetenschappelijke artikels rond dit thema, vrij toegankelijk voor iedereen (open access). Deze pagina is een dynamische pagina en besprekingen zullen regelmatig aangevuld worden.

  • Vötter B and Schnell T (2019) Bringing Giftedness to Bear: Generativity, Meaningfulness, and Self-Control as Resources for a Happy Life Among Gifted Adults. Front. Psychol. 10:1972. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01972 Bespreking | Download artikel
  • Halsall, J., Clarke, C., & Crane, L. (2021). “Camouflaging” by adolescent autistic girls who attend both mainstream and specialist resource classes: Perspectives of girls, their mothers and their educators. Autism25(7), 2074-2086. DOI: 10.1177/13623613211012819 Bespreking | Download artikel
  • Al Abed, A.S., Ducourneau, EG., Bouarab, C., Sellami A., Marighetto A. & Desmedt A. (2020) Preventing and treating PTSD-like memory by trauma contextualization. Nat Commun 11, 4220. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18002-w Bespreking | Download artikel
  • Rumball F, Happé F and Grey N (2020) Experience of Trauma and PTSD Symptoms in Autistic Adults: Risk of PTSD Development Following DSM-5 and non-DSM-5 Traumatic Life Events. Autism Research 13:2122-2132. DOI: 10.1002/aur.2306 Bespreking | Download Artikel
  • Najeeb, P., & Quadt, L. (2024). Autistic well-being: A scoping review of scientific studies from a neurodiversity-affirmative perspective. Neurodiversity2https://doi.org/10.1177/27546330241233088 | Bespreking
  • Lei, J., Leigh, E., Charman, T., Russell, A., & Hollocks, M. J. (2024). Exploring the association between social camouflaging and self- versus caregiver-report discrepancies in anxiety and depressive symptoms in autistic and non-autistic socially anxious adolescents. Autism28(10), 2657-2674. https://doi.org/10.1177/13623613241238251 | Bespreking
  • Cook, J. M., Crane, L., & Mandy, W. (2024). Dropping the mask: It takes two. Autism28(4), 831- 842. https://doi.org/10.1177/13623613231183059 | Bespreking
  • Wood, P. (2024). Through our eyes: Understanding how autistic children co-author a sense of self and relate to the world. An interpretative, observational thematic analysis. Human Systems0(0). DOI: 10.1177/26344041241269294 Bespreking | Download artikel